Банк Приднестровья

Pridnestrovian Republican Bank

Основные направления единой государственной денежно-кредитной политики на 2024 год

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"Kolkotov ravine"

        "Shotenzaka's Bison"


      Denomination: 5 roubles 
      Quality: proof-like 
      Diameter: 39 mm. 
      Weight: 31,1 G. 
      Mintage: 100 pcs.
      Edge: smooth 
      Alloy: 925 silver
      Art: Rudiaga V
      Catalog number: 10200-03-16008     

Averse: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrivskii Respublikanskii Bank) at the bottom - «5 РУБЛЕЙ»; In the lower part under the coat of arms - the year of issue of the coin "2024", to the left - the manufacturer's logo, the State assay mark, to the right - the metal designation, the alloy test.

Reverse: in the center there is a stylized image of a bison against the background of hills; at the top there is the inscription «КОЛКОТОВА БАЛКА» БИЗОН ШОТЕНЗАКА ("KOLKOTOVA BALKA" SHOTENZAK’S BIZON").

       "Trogonterievy elephant" (silver). 


        Denomination: 5 roubles
        Quality: proof-like 
        Diameter: 39 mm.
        Weight: 33,85 G.
        Mintage: 500 pcs.
        Alloy: 925 silver 

         Number in the Catalogue 512-208-01*

in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of   Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrivskii Respublikanskii Bank)  in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "5 РУБЛЕЙ" (5 RUBLES) at the bottom. The issue year “2007 “ is under the image.

Reverse:  On centre an image of  the Trogonterievy elephant. Above: from left to right inscription "ЗАПОВЕДНИК КОЛКОТОВА БАЛКА" (The Reserve "Kolkotov ravine"), on the right -  "ТРОГОНТЕРИЕВЫЙ СЛОН" (Trogonterievy elephant).


          "Trogonterievy elephant" (gold).

        Denomination: 15 roubles
        Quality: proof
        Diameter: 65 mm. 
        Weight: 155,52 G. 
        Mintage: 10 pcs. 
        Alloy: 999 gold 

Averse: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrivskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "15 РУБЛЕЙ" (15 RUBLES) at the bottom. The issue year “2008 “ is under the image. 

Reverse: On centre an image of the Trogonterievy elephant. Above: from left to right inscription "ЗАПОВЕДНИК КОЛКОТОВА БАЛКА" (The Reserve "Kolkotov ravine), on the right - "ТРОГОНТЕРИЕВЫЙ СЛОН" (Trogonterievy elephant). 


         "Deer with large horns".


        Denomination: 5 roubles
        Quality: proof-like
        Diameter: 39 mm.
        Weight: 33,85 G.
        Mintage: 500 pcs.
        Alloy: 925 silver 

        Number in the Catalogue 512-208-02.

in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of  Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrivskii Respublikanskii Bank) in Cyrillic around the image and the indication of the face value of the coin "5 РУБЛЕЙ" (5 RUBLES) at the bottom. The issue year “2007 “ is under the image.

Reverse: On centre an image of  the Deer with large horns. Above: from left to right inscription  "ЗАПОВЕДНИК КОЛКОТОВА БАЛКА" (The Reserve "Kolkotov ravine), on the right - "БОЛЬШЕРОГИЙ ОЛЕНЬ " (Deer with large horns).


             "CEVES LION".


            Denomination: 5 roubles 
            Quality: proof-like 
            Diameter: 39 mm. 
            Weight: 33,85 G. 
            Mintage: 500 pcs. 
            Alloy: 925 silver 

Averse: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrivskii Respublikanskii Bank) 

Reverse: On centre an image of the Deer with large horns. Above: from left to right inscription "ЗАПОВЕДНИК КОЛКОТОВА БАЛКА" (The Reserve "Kolkotov ravine), on the right - "ПЕЩЕРНЫЙ ЛЕВ" (Ceves lion ).




      Denomination: 5 roubles 
      Quality: proof-like 
      Diameter: 39 mm. 
      Weight: 33,85 G. 
      Mintage: 500 pcs. 
      Alloy: 925 silver 

Averse: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrivskii Respublikanskii Bank) at the bottom - «5 РУБЛЕЙ»; In the lower part under the coat of arms - the year of issue of the coin "2017", to the left - the manufacturer's logo, the State assay mark, to the right - the metal designation, the alloy test.

Reverse: In the center - a stylized image of the Kirchberg rhino; At the top there is an inscription «ЗАПОВЕДНИК «КОЛКОТОВА БАЛКА» (KOLKOTOV BALKA RESERVE), at the bottom there is the inscription «КИРХБЕРГСКИЙ НОСОРОГ» (KIRKHBERGSKY RHINO).




      Denomination: 5 roubles 
      Quality: proof-like 
      Diameter: 39 mm. 
      Weight: 33,85 G. 
      Mintage: 500 pcs. 
      Alloy: 925 silver 

Averse: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrivskii Respublikanskii Bank) at the bottom - «5 РУБЛЕЙ»; In the lower part under the coat of arms - the year of issue of the coin "2018", to the left - the manufacturer's logo, the State assay mark, to the right - the metal designation, the alloy test.

Reverse: In the center - a stylized image of the horses on the background of the hill, above - the inscription «КОЛКОТОВА БАЛКА» (KOLKOTOVA BALKA) "ЛОШАДЬ ЗЮССЕНБОРНСКАЯ" (HORSE ZYUSSENBORNSKAYA).




      Denomination: 5 roubles 
      Quality: proof-like 
      Diameter: 39 mm. 
      Weight: 33,85 G. 
      Mintage: 500 pcs. 
      Alloy: 925 silver 

Averse: in the centre of the coin there is an image of the State Emblem of Pridnestrovskaia Moldavskaia Respublika with the circular inscriptions in Cyrillic "ПРИДНЕСТРОВСКИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКИЙ БАНК" (Pridnestrivskii Respublikanskii Bank) at the bottom - «5 РУБЛЕЙ»; In the lower part under the coat of arms - the year of issue of the coin "2020", to the left - the manufacturer's logo, the State assay mark, to the right - the metal designation, the alloy test.

Reverse: in the center - a stylized image of a bear on a background of a hill, at the top in a circle - the inscription «КОЛКОТОВА БАЛКА» «МЕДВЕДЬ ДЕНИНГЕРА» (KOLKOTOVA BALKA "DENINGER'S BEAR").

      *The Catalogue "Coins Pridnestrovian Republican bank 2000-2007 " (Tiraspol, 2007).